IBM TRIRIGA PERCEPTIVE APPS The IBM TRIRIGA v10.6 comes up with an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) that incorporates functional models across real estate, capital projects, facilities, workplace operations, portfolio data, and environmental and energy management within a single technology platform v3.6. What are Perceptive Apps? IBM TRIRIGA introduced Perceptive Applications in this latest version. A Perceptive App refers to an advanced type of UX application that is designed, developed, and delivered by TRIRIGA team. This enable you to more easily meet business requirements with an intuitive web-based user interface, compatibility with touch interfaces, and enhanced performance. Now, instead of tying forms to “things” like people and locations, views are tied to “actions” like creating or submitting requests. A Perceptive App is a browser-based web page that uses one’s mobile device’s native platform. To use these apps, users download an app container from ...